With all this talk of things exploding, I'm surprised the Singles forum hasn't gone down in flames. Oh wait... Everyone seems to be pairing up so I guess in a way it has!!
True story--my small group Christmas party had a white elephant gift exchange, and one couple brought a LARGE box labeled "50,000 Matches."
One person chose that gift, thinking it would surely be something else, and the best gift of all because of the large box. But lo and behold, guess what was inside the box? Yup. 50,000 matches. The couple who brought it said their mother-in-law had given it to them one year and said, "Here's that new microwave you needed."
One of the guys in our group traded twice to get that box of matches, stating that "fires are my life." (Grace, I don't know about a guy frolicking in a field of tulips, but how about 50,000 matches?) He posted a picture of himself on Facebook with those matches and a devious grin... whic promptly resulted in several church members posting replies that cannot be repeated here.
True story--my small group Christmas party had a white elephant gift exchange, and one couple brought a LARGE box labeled "50,000 Matches."
One person chose that gift, thinking it would surely be something else, and the best gift of all because of the large box. But lo and behold, guess what was inside the box? Yup. 50,000 matches. The couple who brought it said their mother-in-law had given it to them one year and said, "Here's that new microwave you needed."
One of the guys in our group traded twice to get that box of matches, stating that "fires are my life." (Grace, I don't know about a guy frolicking in a field of tulips, but how about 50,000 matches?) He posted a picture of himself on Facebook with those matches and a devious grin... whic promptly resulted in several church members posting replies that cannot be repeated here.