There are tons of people I'd love to include here but Donkey is right... I can't think of how to imitate what they'd say, so I'll just try to give a summary. The cool thing about this thread is that what it's really about is how well we know each other.
Some of us keep getting imitated over and over again like parrots

(lol), which makes me think... We just need to mix up our game!!
Some of the people I want to mention aren't here much or are old-timers who come and go:
* "Hello and welcome, welcome, welcome, to CC!!!" -- SkittlePumpkin
* "I always give sensible, well-thought out responses. I take the time to listen to what you say, and a lot of heart always goes into my posts, even when they're hilariously sarcastic." -- Cinder, Hellooo, Violakat, Popclick
* "I have a heart of solid gold and if I'm not sure how to respond with a kind, considerate answer, I always check the manual (my Bible)." -- cmarieh, MollyConnor, Jilly81, lil' christian, Zeroturbulence, garet82
* "I am just too darn pretty for this forum. So many women want me, I have a hard time deciding even whom to think about responding to. And, have I mentioned that I have perfect hair? We won't even mention my beautiful face--you couldn't handle it!" -- Catherder, Descyple, Zaoman, NukePooch
* "I really pay attention to what people say and give thoughtful responses, often using clever references (you'll recognize them if you pay close attention." -- Siberian Khatru, JonahLynx, Kenthomas, Lynx
"I am not Batman." -- 1stillwaters.
"That's right, buster... because everyone knows I'M the REAL Batman!!!" -- BruceWayne
Honorable mentions: Yeraza Bats, crosstweed, triviagirl, Jenibean, poetmary, VioletReigns... and several others... Sorry folks. I don't know you well enough just quite yet, and I'm not sure what I can joke about that will still be considerate of your feelings! But please keep posting and I promise to work on it!