Thank you 🤗 Glory be to God 😇
@MatthewWestfieldUK the enemy loves to use shame to discourage make you forget God loves you unconditionally and HE has a purpose in your life...
Be encouraged God can use everything even the most ugliest thing we do/did to bring glory to Himself and to show His great,amazing,wonderful mighty power through you 😇
I would say,quitting is not that easy brother remember that it is years of doing something that gives you pleasure...and your brain is quite familiar already to that kind of relief the porn and masturbation are giving you. like it is wired already how to respond when you are lonely,alone,frustrated etc.
There are things you can do like staying away from the things that can trigger the urge to watch inappropriate videos like getting rid of those things would help but quitting should be need to be committed to quit. An accountability partner who you can talk whenever the urge is there to watch or a group of christian men who are going through the same would really help...
And the most important thing i learned in my journey to victory is to ask God to help me....medidating His word fill your life with His word because you know just like when the house is empty it is vulnerable to attack. The enemy will use the opportunity to enter the house and occupy it....
Brother,it is quite a tough journey and not just a one day fight but just keep going it is so worth it in the end I'll be praying for you. God bless you 😇🤗