The things of God, they defy understanding, littleChristone, so much happens in the world daily and it's good that much more that we stay our lives enrapt in Him
amen, noerror, God does have us with a conscience and His Spirit inside us will lead us to His good way of doing things, this is goodness, even through discipline, as, Scripture does tell us, 'He discplines His own.' The Lord leads. "...you follow Me."
yes, rache, give yourself breaks in life, the Lord leads, you' ve worked hard all summer, I gather , taking people's money
, and, there is a saying that we should take care of ourselves. This is God's still small voice blessing us, be blessed, milady
I've been dealing with a ear that's felt clogged up yet I am not having earwax come out, slight bit of weird, plugged up feeling in there, so, today, finally, I went to internet and found a way to figure out what's wrong. I took olive oil and hydrogen peroxide , couple drops of each one, into the ear and it bubbled for like 10 minutes in there and stopped so I stopped doing this treatment. But, when done, I still have the same plugged feeling in my ear.
I think i need to go get a bulb aspirator, something to shoot water into my ear after I put the oil and peroxide in there, that is the last part of the procedure and I used an eye dropper to squirt water in but I just don't think that's getting earwax ouutta there. The Lord leads. We will have to go and do that tomorrow if I do this treatment again and get no better results. Fortunately, thank you, Lord, that my ear feels fine, no pain, just a dull weird plugged feeling and when I snap my fingers against my ear I can hear fine. Any suggestions for removing ear wax, I'm all ears
update on my mom, she went in for the CT scan results on Thursday and they were either going to continue doing the chemotherapy for her cancer or not, they would stop if it was not helping was the general prognosis. But, mom told me they are seeing need to continue the chemo. So, PTL one more time , thanks for your prayers all
The Lord leads. 
amen, noerror, God does have us with a conscience and His Spirit inside us will lead us to His good way of doing things, this is goodness, even through discipline, as, Scripture does tell us, 'He discplines His own.' The Lord leads. "...you follow Me."
yes, rache, give yourself breaks in life, the Lord leads, you' ve worked hard all summer, I gather , taking people's money
I've been dealing with a ear that's felt clogged up yet I am not having earwax come out, slight bit of weird, plugged up feeling in there, so, today, finally, I went to internet and found a way to figure out what's wrong. I took olive oil and hydrogen peroxide , couple drops of each one, into the ear and it bubbled for like 10 minutes in there and stopped so I stopped doing this treatment. But, when done, I still have the same plugged feeling in my ear.
I think i need to go get a bulb aspirator, something to shoot water into my ear after I put the oil and peroxide in there, that is the last part of the procedure and I used an eye dropper to squirt water in but I just don't think that's getting earwax ouutta there. The Lord leads. We will have to go and do that tomorrow if I do this treatment again and get no better results. Fortunately, thank you, Lord, that my ear feels fine, no pain, just a dull weird plugged feeling and when I snap my fingers against my ear I can hear fine. Any suggestions for removing ear wax, I'm all ears
update on my mom, she went in for the CT scan results on Thursday and they were either going to continue doing the chemotherapy for her cancer or not, they would stop if it was not helping was the general prognosis. But, mom told me they are seeing need to continue the chemo. So, PTL one more time , thanks for your prayers all