TinTin is not only a solid guy, but incredibly smart and very highly respected here. He is also allowed to vent his frustration with the Bible Forum, which many of us also feel.
if that's how you feel " shrugs ", but I do believe there's already a " anti bible discussion " thread,
I myself have wanted to post and start thread in the Bible Forum many times (especially since I'm going through some personal issues of faith myself right now) but never do because of the complete lack of respect, compassion, and attempt at understanding I find in all the threads I read there. I don't dare post my thoughts there because I know I'd be ripped to shreds.
you do know some folks DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH, right ? If it's not about scripture talk to someone you trust, read what some post, and when the truth lines up, with the word of God, ask the individual, what they think, if you make a thread, sure your going to get a hundred different answers, ask someone you trust in God, then make a thread that way you have some solid grounding to stand on, I'd recommend someone with consistency like some of the mods to start with " but I'd guess they're busy so.. someone that just stands for righteousness in general. If you get ripped to shreds, so be it, no pain - no gain..I've been condemned, hated on, disrespected, someone even told me to go smoke rocks...smh, I forgive them, and I move on, we are talking about salvation of Christ here,.. We live in an age where this should be expected, don't just give up because of haters..
And for anyone who thinks it's "Just in our imagination", I've started threads here in singles even recently that touched upon Biblical doctrines/interpretations, and can you guess what happened? People from the Bible Discussion Forum started coming here and starting all their arguments in our threads. One poster totally shredded the beliefs of another in my thread, which had nothing to do with the topic, to which I chose to intervene and say, Hey, please either stay on topic, start your own thread, or... Go back to the Bible Forum--it's that simple.
yes, I don't like the arguing myself, seems like a nice tool of the devil, creates confusion, I don't like going round and round, quite vain to me, and I do understand some of the frustration about the " bible discussion " forum but seek Him and the truth, it's a fact you'll find it, because He said so.. and I'm a living witness to that. The Holy Spirit will teach you and guide you. There's only one correct interpretation the rest are wrong, no matter where you post it
It's called the Bible Discussion Forum. But more often than not, it turns into the "I'm Smarter Than Anyone Else Here And I Can Cherry Pick Scriptures and Articles to Prove Anyone Who Disagrees With Me is Going To Hell" Forum.
it's not about who's smarter or dumber and this type of thing... It's about truth and getting people to break out their Bible and seek it themselves and not relying on anyone but God, Son, Holy Spirit and Word to teach them. If we left it to man alone to explain, we would all run from God, don't worry about the ones arguing, let them argue, just don't entertain it yourself 
Brainfreeze, you are welcome to pray for me along with TinTin as you go back. After all, who of us couldn't use more prayer? If you enjoy the BDF, that's wonderful! Unfortunately, some of us haven't had very positive experiences there.
Seoulsearch, I don't mind praying for you as well, just ask
I'm sorry that your not having positive experiences in there, but try having tougher skin, don't let people bother you, if your trying to learn about scripture and God, let no man get in the way of that!
Your criticisms of TinTin are unfair and ungrounded. Please take the time to get to know him and become familiar what what he says in his posts.
as for Tintin, this isn't my first run in with him just blurting things out, he does seem smart, just misguided.. I'm sure he's a nice fellow.. but " bible discussion " is evil talk gets no where, if we want change, be the change, be like Christ, be love, be peace, be gentle, be goodness, be righteous ..don't blame everything on the forum as a whole, that's not right..anyways may God, love, and peace be with you.
I'm glad I have (and the same can be said of his lady love, Arlene.)