I kind of hate to say this, but sometimes "Christians" are the most maddening people I know. It's one thing to help to steer a brother or sister in the right direction if they are obviously setting both feet determinedly down the wrong path; quite another to chase them down, tackle them, and proceed to beat them about the head and shoulders.
I'm probably guilty of the same behavior from time to time. Human nature, and all that malarkey. But there are some people out there who do this, and never realize that they're being scary and violent and crazy.
A while back, somebody (can't remember who) commented in a thread (can't even remember which one) something like, "The Church is the only army that shoots its wounded".
I read that, and was like, "TOOOOTALLY. Truth, yo." I mean, in my head. Actually, maybe I said it out loud, even. Wouldn't be the first time I responded verbally to written word here.
The temperature today is 59 degrees, and it's fantastical.