Hmmmm...I wonder.
The Bible says for us to be equally yoked. However, I wonder if there have been situations where Christians that have been told by God to pray for a non-Christian because God perhaps wants them to marry that person? But if the non-Christian doesn't end up saved they just move on? If I were them I would be heartbroken but I would move on...maybe continue to pray for that person's salvation regardless, but realize that that person isn't it? I think God can and does say to some people, "I want you to marry this person." Not exactly because they're that person's soul mate...but God knows you best and knows who would compliment you best, and when you listen to Him and follow the path He has planned for you, so I don't find it impossible for Him to tell someone, "This person would be best suited for you as a spouse."
I dunno. I'm really tired. I probably don't know what I'm thinking. But maybe that would be an interesting question. Is it wrong to pray for someone's salvation because of physical attraction? If so, why? What would be a better way to go about that? And if it's not wrong, why? I think I'd actually like to see what some people's thoughts are on this, and bonus points on if you can find some kind of Scripture that can apply.
(I know. My brain is really random. I'm glad this is a judgment free zone for late-night thoughts. lol)