As I sit here watching the rain pour down, pounding sheets of rain, I wonder what it would have been like to live before Noah's time when it did not rain. I would have missed being able to hear that soothing sound, to go puddle jumping, or to just stand out in the rain and soak it in after a long drought. Though, I suppose they wouldn't have missed what they never had known before.
The last time I stood outside in the rain after a drought, I was in South Dakota, standing outside my apartment. I got to meet my neighbors becuase of that, and I talked with them for a good hour. They were Native American. At the end (though maybe they were a bit sentimental because they had been drinking), the woman gave me a hug and thanked me for talking to them, because "most people won't because we're Native American." That broke my heart. People are people, people! That this woman and two men were surprised that I did something as simple as talk to them is just a sad reflection on our world.
That went off on a tangent...I was talking about rain. But hey, this is the "Streams of Thoughts" thread so I'll just go with it.

My original point was going to be that I wonder how Noah and his family felt, seeing rain, this water falling from the sky that they had never seen before. What awe and amazement I'm sure they felt. I think that's why God brings us through certain things in our life: to show us sides of Him we had never seen before.