Broke down & fixed myself some lunch...sitting here reading various threads...I noticed one thing that caught my eye in one.
Matter of fact I have always half-joked about this with many people I know over the years...one thing that is the most despised,mocked,absolutely no mercy or toleration given to people who are FAT. I always use the word fat...I don't say big,or overweight,or husky...I call it what it is. FAT! My thin friends always cringe when I say that. They try not to use the word Fat around me,as though it would offend me or I somehow would collapse to the ground in tears upon hearing it.
I always say to them..omg dude..you can say the word...it's a word..it's not some man-made slang like the "N" word,sheesh!
(that always gets a laugh)
Most of them always say,"I don't even think of you as fat". Well...then use the word. lol
I am fat. Always have been. I was 7 1/2 lbs at birth,but after that??? Dunno. Been to every Doc...nothin'. Diets,exercise...pretty much walked everywhere from 7 yrs old until my late 20's...But never a thin person shall I be.
Oh well. I have come to grips with it. I've had chicks over the years...never hurt my dating skills. (that's the secular me talking)
My train of thought always leads me to the odd fact that in our country we can make peace in our minds with people who smell bad,have bad habits,or are just plain despicable...but fat people...hmmm..."they don't care about themselves...they can change the way they look...it's no one else's fault...no one forced them to eat that big mac!"
I just find it a bit odd at how vilified fat people are. I notice this attitude is even stronger among christians because then they start to toss scripture around & use it not to help someone but to find a clever way of hiding their repulsion. Not all do it! In fact we as christians use the word of God as a weapon against one another in various other ways at times which are just as bad.
This is my random thinking right now & as I am typing this I hope no one reading this would think I am upset. I have my issues under control,so there's no animosity anymore..not like when I was a little kid. The nuns used to say "Jim,keep yer' hands to yourself..you can't hit someone back,you are bigger than them & you'll hurt them!" Yes..yes...but it's ok for 5 or 6 skinny kids to pick on & punch the fat kid...gotchya sister! lol
2 things I am thinking of bug me #1....when people call me big Jim...all the time..."what's yer' name?" ..."Jim"..."nice to meet you big Jim!"..."ummm...no..it's just Jim,that's my 1st name...my first name isn't BIG!" I think a few yrs ago @ work,someone who called me big Jim all the time,called me that in front of a bunch of co-workers & I said to him,"Dude,why don't you just say Hi Fatso...wouldn't that be easier?" The look on his face was kinda priceless...then I said to him,"You can keep calling me big Jim as long as you don't mind me calling you crooked toothed Bill...deal?" Not my most Jesus-esque moment admittedly...but he got the idea I think. and last but not least #2 this whole fat thing,I know is a lot harder on women than men...just look at how dysfunctional our society is concerning what a woman should weigh. God-forbid she's not 99lbs & a size zero!
I do find it a bit sad,funny & ironic that many fat women christian or not won't date a fat guy...women want a man to love them for who they are..love their minds,not just for their bodies.
I am thinking now I need to stop with this...maybe this should have been in a different thread or it's own fat thread. Fat threads for fat christians..bigger better plumper than ever...more God inside. I'm not fat,I'm filled to overflowing with God's glory...well,my friend you gots a lot of his glory in dat trunk! boooooyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Matter of fact I have always half-joked about this with many people I know over the years...one thing that is the most despised,mocked,absolutely no mercy or toleration given to people who are FAT. I always use the word fat...I don't say big,or overweight,or husky...I call it what it is. FAT! My thin friends always cringe when I say that. They try not to use the word Fat around me,as though it would offend me or I somehow would collapse to the ground in tears upon hearing it.
I always say to them..omg dude..you can say the word...it's a word..it's not some man-made slang like the "N" word,sheesh!
(that always gets a laugh)
Most of them always say,"I don't even think of you as fat". Well...then use the word. lol
I am fat. Always have been. I was 7 1/2 lbs at birth,but after that??? Dunno. Been to every Doc...nothin'. Diets,exercise...pretty much walked everywhere from 7 yrs old until my late 20's...But never a thin person shall I be.
Oh well. I have come to grips with it. I've had chicks over the years...never hurt my dating skills. (that's the secular me talking)
My train of thought always leads me to the odd fact that in our country we can make peace in our minds with people who smell bad,have bad habits,or are just plain despicable...but fat people...hmmm..."they don't care about themselves...they can change the way they look...it's no one else's fault...no one forced them to eat that big mac!"
I just find it a bit odd at how vilified fat people are. I notice this attitude is even stronger among christians because then they start to toss scripture around & use it not to help someone but to find a clever way of hiding their repulsion. Not all do it! In fact we as christians use the word of God as a weapon against one another in various other ways at times which are just as bad.
This is my random thinking right now & as I am typing this I hope no one reading this would think I am upset. I have my issues under control,so there's no animosity anymore..not like when I was a little kid. The nuns used to say "Jim,keep yer' hands to yourself..you can't hit someone back,you are bigger than them & you'll hurt them!" Yes..yes...but it's ok for 5 or 6 skinny kids to pick on & punch the fat kid...gotchya sister! lol
2 things I am thinking of bug me #1....when people call me big Jim...all the time..."what's yer' name?" ..."Jim"..."nice to meet you big Jim!"..."ummm...no..it's just Jim,that's my 1st name...my first name isn't BIG!" I think a few yrs ago @ work,someone who called me big Jim all the time,called me that in front of a bunch of co-workers & I said to him,"Dude,why don't you just say Hi Fatso...wouldn't that be easier?" The look on his face was kinda priceless...then I said to him,"You can keep calling me big Jim as long as you don't mind me calling you crooked toothed Bill...deal?" Not my most Jesus-esque moment admittedly...but he got the idea I think. and last but not least #2 this whole fat thing,I know is a lot harder on women than men...just look at how dysfunctional our society is concerning what a woman should weigh. God-forbid she's not 99lbs & a size zero!
I do find it a bit sad,funny & ironic that many fat women christian or not won't date a fat guy...women want a man to love them for who they are..love their minds,not just for their bodies.
I am thinking now I need to stop with this...maybe this should have been in a different thread or it's own fat thread. Fat threads for fat christians..bigger better plumper than ever...more God inside. I'm not fat,I'm filled to overflowing with God's glory...well,my friend you gots a lot of his glory in dat trunk! boooooyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!