I've lived with chronic fatigue and thyroid issues for a while now. I also happen to have depression issues. It's affected different areas of my life. But I gotta say.
I feel like people do not get it. I can't always sleep well. And then when I do sleep, sometimes it doesn't matter whether I sleep 8 hours or 12. I will be tired no matter what. I have some "good days," but they can be few and far between. This week it was terrible trying to get a house put together for everything, because I worked on and off all day since Wednesday. I've just been surviving lately. It's been especially bad since I've been getting an average of 5-6 hours of sleep per night and I've been extremely exhausted but I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me.
It happens to affect my mood sometimes. Being on the worship team at my church, the youth pastor and others on the worship team like to get after me for "Attitude issues." Yes, excuse me while I just flip a switch and magically have energy and happiness.
I'm just going to put this out there, I slept 6 hours last night. I went to church. When I came home from church, I ate some chips, checked my social medias, was on my computer for maybe 30-45 minutes, and then I slept until 5 (I started napping around 1). Then I woke up, ate some ham and cheese (because I couldn't cook anything else up) in 5 minutes, and then was straight off to church again for Sunday evening youth group. I was still tired.
I do not eat that bad. I refuse to eat processed foods most of the time (I'll have something from like Wendy's or Arby's once or twice a month). I eat gluten-free 90% of the time (because on the occasion I've knowingly or unknowingly ate something not gluten-free).
I am trying to move. I am trying to prepare myself for an entirely different life.
The next person that tells me I'm just having attitude issues gets Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked.
I'm gonna be fixing this soon enough. I'm gonna try to get myself tested for autoimmune disorders to see if I can get those ruled out. I've been thinking about it for a while but I haven't been actively trying to get it done because needles are NOT my thing. -_-