Maybe I'm just being stupid and emotional (this is why I don't like being a woman) but I don't feel like my dad is very happy with me for some reason, and I'm freaking out because my pastor told me today -- in a very serious tone-- that he needed to talk to me. I'm missing my better half, and I won't be able to see or talk to him for who knows how long. Moms trying to get into my brain to find out what's upsetting me, but the last time she did that, we ended up in a huge fight that ruined both of our day. I'm ashamed to say I'm jealous of my sisters and my mom, and my best friend, because they've all got a hand to hold, and like I said, my hand to hold isn't here. My daughter is already growing up too fast. My ex-husband is being difficult -- again
And I'm here, trying to remain positive, and trust The Lord knows what he's doing, and that everything will turn out right.