I just felt led to speak to the person who was upset with things going on in her life, or, yes, 'relationship,' and, yes, 'marriage relationship.' Call it what you want, but, I was just praying, hoping the Lord was leading what I was saying, I could see where this person was at right then in her life with her marriage. And, coming on here and venting in the streams of consciousness thread, I just felt was a call for some 'help.' Now, if she was just venting and was hoping nothing would be said, then, I think, and, ItoreHis, I think, would agree, that, in this case, although this is not a 'response' thread, that if no one would say anything to her then this person having a little trouble in her marriage could think we don't care.
That is the main reason that I personally felt led to speak back to her, I was praying that would be something that, if Jesus was on Earth, He would do. And, plus, I like the married ladies that come on c.c., I WANT them to come onto c.c. because they offer a perspective to we singles, and, encouragment, especially to the young single ladies, that just isn't getttable any other way.
But, yeah, I'm sorry, that I offended someone(s), because that was not my intention it was simply to care for someone who was having a little angst develop in her life, in her family, in her married life, which God has put together that Satan seemed to be a little getting-in there, and, that's not good, because Scripture says, 'What God has put together let no man tear apart.'
And , sure, this is not a guilt time here, we all make mistakes, I'm just saying what Scripture says
I pray the Lord speaks ALL I say, too; it's not me who I want to speak, and, do I get in the way ,sometimes, sure, yes. But, it's He who is in me who I want to speak through me, Christ Jesus our holy Lord God, Saviour and friend