At my workplace I usually work Monday through Saturday. And Sunday is NOT a day off. I don't go to my workplace but I do many things around church. So I asked she-who-makes-schedules if I could have one day a month off besides Sundays - any day, any week out of the whole month, just one day that I could have for Lynx Time.
So she-who-makes-schedules is leaving our workplace and going on to work for Nationwide. I assume she'll still be on our side...

But the schedules have been a bit odd lately. Three weeks in a row I have been off on Thursdays. This caused a bit of consternation last Thursday because we had a visit from the Corporate guy. The managers were unhappy because I was not there and the guy who took my place was... how can I put this kindly...? not as competent. He did something not according to procedure and the workplace got a point taken off in the inspection because of it.
So this Thursday guess who's not working again! And guess who is once again taking my place! And guess who's going to be back for a follow-up inspection! Yeah, the managers are really unhappy but I didn't write my schedule, THEY did.
In the meantime I'm going to be enjoying my Thursday off with my father, who will be in town for three days.