The last time I checked out books from the library, I noticed that one of them had an entire section that was falling out. So, I returned it to the desk and tried to explain to the librarian:
Me: "This book is going to need a little help... I promise I didn't do this, but when I got it, I noticed several of the pages were falling out..." *starts to flip through book to find them*
Librarian: "Sure, no problem, just show me where..."
Me: *flipping, flipping, flipping... all pages behaving perfectly...* "I... know they're here somewhere... I'm not making this up.... honest..." *flip, flip, flip*
Librarian: *blinks, looks at me blankly, waiting*
Me: *starting to FLIP OUT*... becoming a little more frantic... Going back and forth through pages... Finally, in utter frustration, I told the librarian, "Either this book is coming unglued, OR I AM!!!"
She burst into laughter.
And I finally found the unglued pages. (They're probably a mirror image of the marbles that that have also gone loose in my head...)