I'm gonna ask you all a question.
I am in no way interested in a relationship with anyone right now, I'm about 90% content with being single, the 10% being those times where I'm like, "Ugh...I'm single. This stinks." But 98% of the time (the 2% being like...MONTHS ago. And I was DEFINITELY not interested in him for MANY reasons.), no guy takes notice of me, none of them have ever really gone up and said hi to me, minus one, but I haven't seen him in months.
I'll see threads at times saying, "Looks don't matter, but at the same time they really do." Now I'm not saying I'm ugly or I plan on changing my wardrobe, but it seems like guys like girls who dress up. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I don't do anything with my hair besides brush it, and on the occasion dry it. I don't do makeup, I don't have time for that stuff. Plus my pores are large enough on their own without more dirt and grime from makeup getting in them, making that even worse.
Anyways....my question is, does my not dressing up and not really doing anything to "make me look pretty" really turn guys away? I mean, I don't really care right now, I'm just trying to graduate and get to college. But I am extremely curious on that. It makes for an interesting topic.