Sooo yesterday afternoon, I got back home from my weekend trip. It was a good time.

It was great to just take a break from EVERYTHING. Computers, cell phones (we could have them, but they weren't much good because there was noooo cell signal.), and pretty much all pressures.
The bad part was, I slept terrible that weekend. On Saturday, I had 3 cups of coffee. That's the most I've had in a while.

And yesterday I was so tired, I totally accidentally thought one of the girls from the other church group that was with us this weekend was someone from our group and called her the wrong name. I'm so awkward...

but it's hard when you're in a fog from being tired and coming down with a cold (yup...I could barely talk this morning. But I'm remedying this.)
I also went hiking with some of the girls (including 2 girl leaders) from my group. There was this BIG rock ledge that we were going to go down and stand on and take a picture. Well, we did do that. On the way down, I stepped on a slippery part of the hill (which was covered by leaves. Gotta love autumn), and I went down.
I got up pretty quick, but my foot hurt. I thought to myself, "I better be careful going down this next step." I stepped on ANOTHER slippery part of the hill and went down again, ON THE SAME FOOT. That also hurt pretty bad. But I decided not to be a baby and continued hiking with them. I went about halfway before I turned to one of the youth leaders and said, "I'm ready to go back, I'm tired and my foot hurts." (there were a LOT of STEEP hills. I thought I was getting better about getting in shape till I took that hiking trail.

Whoo, it was intense. lol)
I also had youth group yesterday evening (which we had an AMAZING keyboardist there!), which I had enough energy for since I took a 2 hour nap yesterday after I got home.
Don't get me wrong, though. I had a GREAT time.

Lots of laughs, lots of fellowship and praising Jesus.

In spite of the goof-ups and slip-ups (more like downfalls), I felt extremely blessed to be there this weekend. I'm just REALLY sore (my whole left leg hurts, along with my throat. >.<) and need some prayer for that.
I hope you guys had a great weekend!!