I'm going to be pessimistic and depressing and complaining for just a minute...
A few weeks ago, I made a post on this very thread about how people I was getting to know would be leaving in a couple of months, and that at first I was bitter but then I would look at it that I'm thankful that God brought them into my life for whatever amount of time it was.
But, last night at Bible study, when we talked about just how many people were leaving, it really got me down, and I know it's going to get even harder as I get to know them more (especially since one of them is a guy a like, ha). And I realized last night that concept of marriage seems so foreign to me because people just come and go in my life all the time that I can't imagine someone being there all the time. That makes me sound like I've been abandoned a lot in my life; not really. It's just that through different phases of life, I know different people, people have come in gone, and while I've kept in contact with most of them even after they're away, it's just not the same.
I dunno. I just have to really make sure it doesn't make me hold people even further away, the ones who are leaving.
Christ really is the only constant One. Perhaps He's teaching me to really rely on Him instead of others. It's kind of a sucky lesson though.