I'm of a similar makeup. I've got brains in spades, but it's often overshadowed by the gigantic chip I have on my shoulder. As much as I try to play the role of a bitter old fart or misogynist, I honestly adore women. A woman would just have to know her place in the hierarchy of things that are important to me, and that's down the list from:
Books - leave me alone if I am reading
Hobbies - I am sculpting a Fremen Crysknife from Dune, so don't bug me
School - Even part time, I put in about 20 hours a week writing my dissertation
Documentaries - yes, I like you a lot, but can this wait until a commercial break?
Then on top of the nerdism, I've got all the social awkwardness and peculiarities of geekdom. I'd have to find someone who can handle a schizotypal/borderline personality, my intensely dark humor that I deliver dead-pan like Keanu Reeves, and my rather obsessive behavior about certain aspects of daily life.
In short...forever alone.