Thought processes take place on different levels. Only the first two ( out of seven, that I personally have ever experienced simultaneously ) are "language-driven" -- the others do not require "language" in the sense that you mean it here.
I have experienced "single thoughts" - in a moment of time - that contained the scope and amount of information that could fill a page in a book.
This is "normal" for me. I think on multiple levels almost continuously. I have "all kinds of things" going on in my head - [ seemingly ] simultaneously - "all the time"...
Is this not the same with everyone else?
( Perhaps, I am simply more aware of it. )
I have tried to make the same argument with my fellow linguists...
Some are thinking in colors. But the idea of colors needs words and are therefore wordbased.
I, when reading sheetmusic, think physically with fingerings, breathing, tongue, lips. And audibly with rythm, sound, melody, tone. No words. But I needed words in the beginning to identify the note, to tell my fingers how to move, tongue where to touch and with what speed and strength... So that too (it breaks my heart) is word based.
Same goes with tastes. They say. Again I am not sure. The dog likes different tastes. Including poo. You can think in taste combinations. Is that connected to words?
And they say language is a human trait. But doesn't a dog think too? My dog when seeing me entering the lift thinks... Does he reach to enter before the door closes, or do I walk down the stairs, going to my place and pretend I have been there for hours.... He thinks.. but he doesn't have words for it. Although he knows the words go down. Lift. Enter. Lie down. Goodies. Food. Hungry... Doesn't mean he has a language, does it?