When we are in trouble, I think, this verse helps.
To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth. God
is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Proverbs 46:1 .
If God is with us, not just for us, who can we better go forward with, in faith, trusting in, confident of, assuaging our troubles, than Him?
I've been in debt, too, many times, wondering where I would get the money to pay for things, like not just rent, but, even, the thought hit me--not too long ago either, like 2008--of where would I get the money for food. The debt was so high, much higher than 3K, as itoreHis says is his sum now. And, the moment I gave ALL my finances to Him, all my cares to Him of this scary nature, God began to work, not instantly, but, pretty close.
I said that I would just follow Him, even though I was beginning to see a life that was much different than I envisioned coming out of junior high dreams, high school aspirations, and, college reverie. God heard those words in my mind's eye and He brought forth incredible understanding of how He was able to change things as I put my faith, wholeheartedly in His plan for my life, no matter how much I thought the plan was going nowhere faster than fast could be fast.
So, brother, keep on keeping on following Him, get yourself in an environment as often as possible that let's God cradle you, rock you, where you will see His provision for you in a great way. I went to a big church all the time, that had services all the time, singles group, mid-week service, morning service, evening service, and, other activities inbetween, all free.
God has plans for you, bro, when you go to His arms and let Him lead your life's plans as He intends them to go, good plans, of great goodness, as, in 'great' in an awesome way, not a superlative (good,better, best) fashion.
Go to the singles group your age with that same cheery attitude that God is showing in you for your job now as you don't know why you can remain so cheerful to customers at work, but, you can, and, we both know, that God is in you, and, He is keeping you bright eyed and busy tailed for others, who, hopefully, can see Jesus in you because when they do, that's when God does things, sometimes, great things, and, sometimes, small things, but always GOOD things for you, to bless you, itore, on this Earth, and, most certainly, after here, with Him, in heaven, forevermore.
One time, I met a girl in singles and I just spent money on her, this was back in 1996 and went on for a year, into 1997, and, we went to church together, as friends, and she was handicapped, used a cane, and, God blessed me by her presence in my life, looking back now, was very blessed. That was a time, I did not work, I had money and God allowed me to use it for a year straight about, doing nothing but church and great activities a part of church.
Also, too, a few years later, like seven, I, again, helped a young man who was slow in thinking and just didn't grasp basic concepts, like money management and job basics. He, for a couple years, was a buddy of mine, like that girl mentioned above, and, God, again, blessed me before he left for Job Corp to become a cook.
What I am trying to say by all this is not for my own doing, I pray that's not so. I, simply, want you to realize, itoreHis, that YOU can become a great blessing in someone 's life, maybe, it's at church, like, God used me. Just go forth in faith His way for you, always praying, never ceasing to let God know that you will rejoice in Him through all the good things, even, bad, of your life, for He is able to make the good, great, and, the bad, beautiful
What we choose to do in life is up to us, we can choose to think thoughts that are not great of ourselves or we can find a way to think in a blessed way of living for Him, giving Him glory of ALL things in our life because we know that He will provide faithfully through all our troubles because we have faith in Him who holds the key to our future, both now, and, ever-after.