Sir, it's ok to feel bad about not being able to show enough love for those who are so important to us...but you don't have to beat yourself up over it. I know it's not an easy thing to go through...i've lost a dearly beloved grandpa some years ago, and to this day, i feel sooo bad, coz i was training to be a doctor then, but i never, ever even got to help him get better, or to take care of him, or spend enough time with him, until that morning hour just came, and we knew he was gone...
I myself tend to give my friends such good advice that i myself couldnt least, not when i'm so overwhelmed by emotions that just surge all over me, to the point that i feel like almost drowning... And yes, i have questioned and muttered against God for countless times, asking all my whys and how could yous... Thinking i am entitled to all the right answers... Saying to Him that i've had enough pain and suffering to endure so please, could you just give me break and be kind to me for once? XD
The audacity and the rudeness of my thought processes have led me to ask why He hasnt struck me dead on the spot for several years ago... And all i could think of it, looking back now is, He is just simply, incredibly, lovingly awesome. He knows everything that we're going through, what we'll say and feel about Him.... But He loves us so perfectly and unconditionally. As for the answers we do not know, well, i guess He knows those are things we don't need to know, and we couldnt do anything about. He always just places before us what He believes will make us grow stronger in our faith, and more like Him and spirit and in truth.
Our emotions make us who we are: human. And God wouldnt want us to pretend, for He always desires truth inside us. But we also have to be careful that our thought patterns don't trap us into unhealthy feelings of hate, or resentment and such. *sigh* i feel for you and your burden, sir. Just remember how much she loved you, and how much you love her, and how much God loves us all. Pour it all before Papa God like a rain from your heart. And He will fill it with all that is good

I'll be praying for us all struggling brethren. God bless your mourning heart, dear brother!!