I've been convicted about something today. I was joking yesterday about the Bible Discussion Forum and the more I thought about it, the more that seemed like gossip to me, ya know?
And I hate gossip...
The Bible Discussion Forum is among the first people see here. New believers and unbelievers are seeing that. We should care about that more. A lot more. It's not really funny, is it?
I know it gets irritating and depressing if we stay too long or get caught up in the merry-go-round topics, but, we really are supposed to be taking a stand for Christ, aren't we? Our lives are our own and our time is not our own.
We've been blessed to come to know Him. The Truth He's shared with us is a treasure. We're not supposed to be burying it in this forum, are we?
So...I for one will be entering the frey a little more often. Not to argue, but to share Truth. To take a stand for Him. If someone wants to argue foolishness or semantics, there's no need for me to engage. Just let the Truth stand for itself and let people do what they will with it.
Jesus did not permit Himself to be dragged down by Pharisees and fools. He simply spoke the Truth and let it do what it does - Convict WISE men/women of sin and direct their paths. A fool will neither recognize Truth nor even know what to do with it once he does no matter what you do or say.
I hope you will pray and consider joining me. It's time to tear down some walls and move some mountains. I want to be like David, Joshua and Caleb and say ...Yep...there's a few giants. So what? Let's do this thing!
If you've got a slingshot and the ROCK, you're good to go