ATTENTION CCer's...just to avoid any confusion or insane assumptions or avatar is indeed "romantic" in nature.
Yes I do in fact realize this is not a dating site...but in light of the wonderful news concerning Descyple & Azure...I felt "inspired"...I am happy for them. Yes,I enjoy people that come together that love one another & seem like they could possibly share an amazing life together. Ok,Ok...yes..this evil black-hearted jerk,himself one day longs for what they share...sue me! In God's time...or not...whatever.
I had to address this openly,because I was PM'd concerning my avatar by someone who seems to stand on some ridiculous high moral ground of judging everyone and never themselves being honest with themselves or others about their true motives.
So to them,and anyone else who feels as though they have the inside track on my hates..or my walk with God...plz indeed feel free to ask me point blank. Don't "un-friend" me,then ignore me...and then PM me with questions that drip with sarcasm. I don't see how that is Christ-like in any form or fashion. Then again...I'm no scholar,what do I know.
(sorry pers...for messin' up yer' thread)