Ugh....It's not enough that flu makes you feel horrible. It makes you look and sound horrible too.
Even my workaholism is sick and doesn't want out today. I even had a flu shot. I want my money back. Maybe it's not the flu. Whatever it is, I do not like it.
BUT... I am thankful for warm jammies, a big fluffy quilt, a full box of Kleenex, a jar of Vick's and HGTV playing in the background to give me decorating ideas for when I'm feeling better.
And maybe a hot shower later. And a cup of hot cocoa.
Then again, I might be dead and just don't know it yet.........
View attachment 70072
P.S. - No, that is not me. She looks far better than I do right now.
BUT... I am thankful for warm jammies, a big fluffy quilt, a full box of Kleenex, a jar of Vick's and HGTV playing in the background to give me decorating ideas for when I'm feeling better.
Then again, I might be dead and just don't know it yet.........
View attachment 70072
P.S. - No, that is not me. She looks far better than I do right now.
Hope you feel better soon!