LittleC, not sure what's being said here, or, even asked. But, I don't really know if a guy can read a girl's self-esteem of herself readily when just meeting her, if that's what you mean by 'respect.' Things, to me, again, this is 'green' talking

, but, I respect a girl who asks me questions back when I ask her questions. That gets my respect, and, she doesn't have to be in perfect posture, but, sure, the way we 'carry' ourselves matters And, it's good for the back, too
The Christian guy is going to be asking God a lot of questions when he sees a girl he likes, I think, he should, anyway, and, wanting to know if she is someone that is carrying herself , more than anything else, in a Christian manner. That's a difficult one to fully assess and decipher, since what is 'carrying oneself in a Christian manner,' but, it's just doing things that speak of Jesus and what Jesus would do, milady .