I really don't like the Valentines Day hype, honestly it's another day. Even when you're married it's still another day. I put a card in my Husband's work bag. He probably forgot to buy me one. So there you go, it's the same for us married folk.
*sigh* This is what I despise about Valentine's Day. A part of me feels bad when I hear women say thing's like that.
It is "just another day"...it just kinda bugs me that people don't do loving,sweet thing's like a note or card DAILY for the person they love. If yer' married,even more so.
I remember when I was first married...both my ex & I used to do stuff like that all the time for one another,so Valentine's was just an "excuse" to buy one another really silly thing's. I knew the marriage was heading south when somewhere around year 5 she stopped leaving me notes of affection,and I was the only one still doing it. I was pretty foolish & in denial I suppose. I carried on with thing's like that until yr 7,then I just stopped.
Valentine's Day is cute & mushy & all that crap I suppose,but if that's the only time of the year you make the woman (or man) in your life feel loved or special or cherished,that's a bit sad.
*btw..I wasn't trying to attack you Jen..I'm just ranting*