I am sick. I have done literally nothing all day besides lie on the couch with kleenexes stuffed up my nose while watching 24.

I hope you feel better soon. I recommend peppermint oil and/or eucalyptus oil. Heat some water in a cup till it's almost boiling, let it cool for juuust a little. Then grab a towel, and put your head under there and breathe! It can burn. Especially if you have a sore throat. But nothing has helped me more. You might need to do it 2-3 times a day. And keep a Kleenex box right beside you!
If you don't have any essential oils, just the steam itself should help anyways.

Keeping the air moist in your room and throughout your house is important.
Hope this helps a little!! Colds suck the energy right out of me so when I get them I need it to be gone and quickly!!