Ever have friends who you know you've told thing's to,and then they ask you about it,as if they were never or barely informed?
Just had a friend on fb message me & ask how I was doing...then asks:"So,you got divorced recently,right?" -and you know full well that you've told them this,like back when it happened. I said to her,:"Yeah,it's goin on 2 1/2 yrs nearly now...why?" She's like,"Oh,I dunno..I think I vaguely remember you mentioning something once about a divorce...so do you hate women now or what,lol?"
I kinda felt like saying:"Yes,I hate women that I have to repeat myself to over & over again!" (I didn't though)
I do sometimes wonder how it is people don't retain much of the thing's you share with them...I know people have busy lives,but divorce is kinda a big deal. I would remember if one of my friends told me they got or were getting a divorce.
I think I can count on one hand the number of people in my life that actually listen to me when I talk with them. lol
** countdown until someone tells me that Jesus is always there to listen to me. in 3....2....1

I talk to Him 24/7..I think He deserves a break once & a while.