My blog posts on here seem to be getting some attention. That is surprising.
Controversial opinion of the day: marriage is, by definition, a union between male and female. That's what it has been since time immemorial. I don't know of any society that, until recently, ever contested that. Just as good is intrinsically the opposite of bad, marriage is intrinsically a male-female union. It's just part of the deal. Thus a marriage between two men, or two women, or a woman to herself, or a man and an anime cut-out, are not marriages at all, even if they're given the name "marriage."
Controversial opinion of the day: marriage is, by definition, a union between male and female. That's what it has been since time immemorial. I don't know of any society that, until recently, ever contested that. Just as good is intrinsically the opposite of bad, marriage is intrinsically a male-female union. It's just part of the deal. Thus a marriage between two men, or two women, or a woman to herself, or a man and an anime cut-out, are not marriages at all, even if they're given the name "marriage."