I get so tired of seeing people act like victims. People who do messed up things to everyone around them, and then when they reap what they've sown, they cower in a corner and cry like a baby, "People are so mean!"
...and it's not that I necessarily enjoy seeing them get back what they've given, but there is a certain satisfaction in seeing them learn how it feels.
Except sometimes, they don't realize that things have simply turned around on them, sometimes they just think that they are a wonderful person and so cannot understand why bad things are happening to them.
Wake up! What goes around comes around! You can't treat people like dirt, use and abuse them for their trusting, open hearts, and then expect that you will never pay for it. Maybe, just maybe, it would be better to stop acting like a martyr, and start owning up to having been a wolf in sheep's clothing. Stand up and behave like a decent human being.
...and that concludes my sudden outburst...
...and it's not that I necessarily enjoy seeing them get back what they've given, but there is a certain satisfaction in seeing them learn how it feels.
Except sometimes, they don't realize that things have simply turned around on them, sometimes they just think that they are a wonderful person and so cannot understand why bad things are happening to them.
Wake up! What goes around comes around! You can't treat people like dirt, use and abuse them for their trusting, open hearts, and then expect that you will never pay for it. Maybe, just maybe, it would be better to stop acting like a martyr, and start owning up to having been a wolf in sheep's clothing. Stand up and behave like a decent human being.
...and that concludes my sudden outburst...