I was away for a few days, for 4th time o' days, o'er there yonder was I at my sis' place on the ocean, just chillin' like a villain, and, so, if any ya missed villainous me, little ole greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen culprit me , someone did, didn't they, I mean, one, or two, of ya, at least, or , at least half of one of ya/? Yeah? Oh, please, I kidded, I amz NOT a villain or even a culprit. OK! Then, you just don't know it but your kid missed me or if you don't got kids, yer fish missed me and all dogs love me

Oh, OK, I admit, I beeen around a 13 year old nephew, a 6 year old niece, and, a 4 year old niece the last few days so gimme a break, Ima just tryin' to git out of that skin and it's so hard, and, then afterz that, it's still hard because my kermit fur is so tough to pull outta, too
Kids are such blessings, i hope and pray that you ewes whom God's given them to NEVER under-appreciate the truth that He put them specifically in your care because He knew you were JUST the one for caring
And, don't ya know, I missedez you all, you all ares meez people, peeps

But, I surez doo izzzz, izz, iz hopes at least onez of yuz missed meez whilez I was gone

I hope and pray you allz had safe and happy Fourth's, as for me, I lit a zillion fountains and mortar cannons off as the 6 year old handed them to me , 'Do this one next, uncle, and, then here is my next one for you to do and next one..."
Yep, I was blowing up the sky at the beach, and, giving it some color, not to mention, light, too .
Truly, I can say our day was like my nic for that fellow God guy whom I call, LIGHTupthesky, cuz weez really did do that, we tore up the sky, with big bright streaming lights that went boom-boom-boom in the night.