Miss Ruby wondered how the Chieftan managed to retrieve the spy vision that she threw to the bottom of the ocean. One of the penguins obviously found it thinking it was some type of bogan Cd player or something. It looked like it was back in operation again. Somehow the Chieftan must have pressed a button on it and Miss Ruby's computer came on and she heard what was taking place in the Mosestarian bunker in Antarctica.
The Chieftan was under the impression that her and Morty had secretly wed. Perhaps it is better he thinks that she pondered, after all it is harder to attack two rather than one. Miss Ruby knew she could not accept Morty's proposal until he passed the most important test. To make her a chicken dinner and she not develop salmonella from it. This of course started the Rubyland and Mosestarian feud all those generations ago.
Miss Ruby turned the volume up, just in time to overhear the outrageous things the bogans were saying about her. "Those bogans need to pay for thinking they can place me in a sack and flush me" Miss Ruby said enraged. Just as she was about to announce the punishment coming their way and for their wicked leader the Chieftan she heard several explosive noises.
She ran outside to see her precious golden bridge partially explode. Miss Ruby felt whoozy and fainted. Unfortunately Morty was not around and instead she fell. Luckily it was the soft sand of the beach. When she awoke she saw a hideous woman in a small boat, near to where the explosion took place. She seemed to be throwing missiles at the bridge. Miss Ruby at first wondered whether it was Tzipora (they did look alike) but when she looked through her binoculars she managed to read the back of this ladies shirt. It read Miss K. Harris. She made her way into a spy looking vessel and it sailed away.
Miss Ruby was determined to make her pay.
The Chieftan was under the impression that her and Morty had secretly wed. Perhaps it is better he thinks that she pondered, after all it is harder to attack two rather than one. Miss Ruby knew she could not accept Morty's proposal until he passed the most important test. To make her a chicken dinner and she not develop salmonella from it. This of course started the Rubyland and Mosestarian feud all those generations ago.
Miss Ruby turned the volume up, just in time to overhear the outrageous things the bogans were saying about her. "Those bogans need to pay for thinking they can place me in a sack and flush me" Miss Ruby said enraged. Just as she was about to announce the punishment coming their way and for their wicked leader the Chieftan she heard several explosive noises.
She ran outside to see her precious golden bridge partially explode. Miss Ruby felt whoozy and fainted. Unfortunately Morty was not around and instead she fell. Luckily it was the soft sand of the beach. When she awoke she saw a hideous woman in a small boat, near to where the explosion took place. She seemed to be throwing missiles at the bridge. Miss Ruby at first wondered whether it was Tzipora (they did look alike) but when she looked through her binoculars she managed to read the back of this ladies shirt. It read Miss K. Harris. She made her way into a spy looking vessel and it sailed away.
Miss Ruby was determined to make her pay.
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