Banning Shittim for calling me a fibber, when below is the official email from the government. I highlighted the pertinent line in bold!
Dear Miss Ruby.
I hope you are well. It is I, Scott Morrison, or as my friends call me, Schlomo.. You may have seen me on TV, but in case you haven't, I am the Prime Minister of the People's Democratic Republic of Australia. I am writing to you today to tell you of a very grave concern. It would appear that you owe the Australian Tax Office about $10,000,000,000 AU ($1 billion) in undeclared tax debts, from the sale of bottles, jars, snow-globes and similar worthless trinkets via your offshore e-Ruby store.
Australian Federal police have indicated you may be receiving instructions from internationally notorious mastermind Shittim. Please wire the ATO with the monies owed directly, including any interest calculated at 7.47% from July 2021.
Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has personally offered to triple-Covid-vaccinate 8 school-age children under the age of 16 without parental consent for every $1,000,000 you donate. Also, "Jibby jabby" Mark admits he is a big fan of your e-store, and purchased more than a healthy number of Shittim-in-a-dustbin trinkets for the bargain price of $1.64 each.
Well, time to go. So much freedom, and so little time to destroy it. Also, don't think about double-crossing us. You saw what we did with Novak "Novax" Djokovic for standing against our mandates.
Wishing you a pleasant day,
Yours truly,
Schmott Schlott S. Morrison