This is fake news........
Fact check: True. This is typical Rubylander propaganda, designed to turn popular opinion against honest, hard-working Mosestarians. You would do well to ignore such lies.
I have several strategically placed spies in Mosestaria and they have reported to me as follows:
Fact check: Partially true. Rubyland did have several spies in Mosestaria, but they were routed out, and are now sitting in a prison signing confessions for their roles in the stolen election.
Jennymaesia exports a range of beautiful red and pink lipsticks around the world. They are very popular. Women in every country buy them.
Fact check: True. Who doesn't love the shape and colour of beautiful red or pink lips? Jennymaesia's dastardly plot relies on the peoples of the world trusting her merchandise enough to purchase the nasty, terrible, green lipstick, which will well and truly and permanently ruin any lips that it comes into contact with.
King Moses was not happy with the Mosestarian women wearing what he labelled as "common" colours so he insisted that Queen Moses change her lipstick colour to green so that the Mosterian women who follow the queen would also change.
Fact check: False. "The king" of Mosestaria is a performer (a.k.a. Elvis). Other than this, there is no "king" of Mosestaria. Moses the Young(er) [May his beard never fade!] is a chieftain, and certainly doesn't share his chieftainship with any "Queen Moses". If there were to be a "Queen Moses", her name would most likely be Zipporah, according to biblical principles outlined in Exodus 2:21. And she would be a chieftess, not a Queen - Chieftess Zipporah.
Finally, and most convincing of all, who likes green lipstick!?! Who would want to ruin a pair of perfectly lovely pink or red or maybe even tan lips by colouring them green? If Chieftain Moses the Young(er) [May his tough, leathery skin never wither!] were truly as misogynist as you claim, he would demand all the Mosestarian women wear ruby-red lipstick all the time, in order that his eyes might continually feast on the shapely contours. Perhaps if he were colour-blind, he might demand green lipstick. But he's not, so he doesn't.
So now all Mosterian women wear green lipstick. They stand out but not in a good way. I dont think the King thought this plan out too well and the queen is not impressed with the King. They can be heard fighting across the border in Rubyland.
Fact check: Validity uncertain. Mosterian women, or Mosestarian women? I can't speak for Mosterian women, but Mosestarian have very lovely red lips. Or sometimes very lovely brown. But never green. They aren't toxic! Also, Elvis does often get into animated quarrels with his mistress. So probably they can hear him in Rubyland. ;-)
Meanwhile in Rubyland we now have an abundance of red and pink lipstick and are also half price. Many Mosterian women are wanting to cross the border to Rubyland but we cannot accomadate them as, well we dont know if they can be trusted.
Fact check: Sadly true. This is why Mosestarian women send their menfolk to Rubyland to do the lipstick "shopping".