I missed this the first time, what a BRILLIANT idea ,catherdingfrenchhorninginstrumentplayingmusicinstrumentteachingkidraisingmusicianplayingGodfollowingservant
I pray you bless him, Lord, mightily, for His great instruction of blessing here to us.
Just to add--and, miladies and dudegents, I pray for ALL of you all the time, in my mind, which I'm told through Scripture IS 'the mind of Christ'
--- that's what I'm adding actually, what I just put in hyphenated form, but, to sic it to reality of your life, like, for say, church today.....
When you see someone, and, you talk to them in church, just PRAY for them on the spot, let God KNOW, they don't even need to know
Just say 'Lord, help this father with their children that are away from their sick mom , who has chosen a wrong path. I pray for a miracle, Lord, that they can be brought together again. For what you have brought together, Lord, you say in Scripture, let no man tear asunder. Thy will be done, Lord, amen.'
It's just a simple something to do for someone you meet TODAY and every day really. Imagine the chorus in heaven and when Scripture says we are to pray without ceasing, do you think that just might be what a lot of 1 Thessalonians 5 says