Just so everyone KNOWS these are fun matchmakings, not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. The Lord leads, anyway. But, threads like this, asking everyone to get together at a park somewhere summertime can destroy the camaraderie of simple communication. I know, I KNOW, many want their man or woman NOW, bu Rt nothing happens without His approval, for those having chosen to follow Him. Just saying, carry on
For vkat, go with the syllable difference for choosing getween GRA and catherder, wow! wouldn't it be awesome IF God let us decide our match that way. I mean, just LOOK, how simple did I.just make it
tintin sounds like an 'everyman' to me for every woman and-- oh, I.will be doing my Christian zao, I mean, Tao re-utterings now
,OK, already, just kidding with ya, fellas