Back to the OP...Depends on how you look at the question really.
1. Do you mean what women want generally or what they want in a man?
2. Are you talking Christian women or secular? Because the answer will be quite different.
3. All women Christian or otherwise vary in their wants.
I will try to help. If you are talking generally, women want:
1. Chocolate (yes it's top)

2. Labour-saving devices most especially in the kitchen.
3. Her own car.
4. Help around the home.
As I'm a Christian this is what I believe most Christian women would want in a man:
1. This would be easily the most important thing for me, a man who loves God and would put God above all else including himself and me.
2. To be loved and respected - respect is real important to a woman.
3. To be protected.
4. A man who isn't lazy around the home.
5. Someone who is fun to be with
6. Someone who will be a friend and soulmate.
7. Someone tactile, loving.
8. Considerate.
9. Decisive.
10 He will want to spend time with me.
11. He doesn't have to be good looking but...
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I do have standards lol.
I hope this helps