And you wonder why no men wanted to join your chat?
Let's address one gender stereotype at a time.
I never said this place wasn't also full of misandristic individuals as well. Heck some of them are dudes!
The misogyny is pretty bad here at times, that is all that I was stating. I remember (a now censored post) where a man was looking for a robotic sex slave. As hilarious as that is, it wasn't a joke, and therefore was not remotely funny.
This stuff gets deep sometimes... Am I the only one who sees through this kind of stuff?
If it ever got deep, then maybe someone might listen when five or ten people point out that their singleness may not be a curse but a blessing. Maybe if people got their spiritual affairs in order they'd be more attractive to the opposite sex.
And yes I realize there are others who are perfectly healthy who have not found a mate, and to them I'm truly sorry.
Why is everyone on this forum so dang sensitive? Seriously...