What is your favorite yogurt?
plain yogurt with honey on top.
What is your favorite song?
I like older stuff....right now, it's probably "Nights in White Satin" - Moody Blues
What is your favorite Christmas Hymn ?
Take My Life and Let it Be...
edited - I first read this as Christian Hymn, not Christmas - I'll go with the Coventry Carol.
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I had one brother. He had hemophilia, which affects the body's ability to heal by having blood clot. In the 80's before they knew how to screen for HIV, he had already been infected and died about 10 years ago due to complications of the disease. My parents would never have brought any other kids into the world knowing that there was a 50/50 chance of having a genetic disorder, or of being a carrier, but he was diagnosed as a baby and I was already on the way. I guess I'm supposed to be here...
Do you like animals?
Love 'em! They are delicious! Some of 'em make great pets too.
How did you meet your Husband?
What an odd question to ask a man. I'll answer after my gender reassignment surgery and after landing that billionaire.
Have you ever eaten a bug?
unintentionally a few times....a couple of months ago, I tried a chocolate covered cricket.
Do you like picnics?
Yes! I even have a picnic basket. Of course right now, it's full of prizes for my piano students as they can redeem the stars they earn for practicing, etc. for prizes. Some of my students I teach on my way home from my "real job," so it's nice to have the prizes in something portable.
Do you camp?
Not very often, but it's fun.
Do you like sled riding or tubing?
I rarely get to the snow, but enjoy playing in it when I can. Glad I don't have to shovel the stuff like some of y'all.
Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
How do you feel about beards?
I think it would be cool to have one, but I hate that "in-between" period when it is just long stubble. It drives me crazy, so I end up just shaving before it becomes a real "beard." If my hair were darker, the stubble would look fuller, and I would probably grow a real beard then.
What is your favorite kind of music?
Impressionistic or of the late Romantic period.
Did you like high school?
I was a weird high school kid. I got along with everybody. Of course, I was a band geek, but I got along with the snooty drama folk, who hated the band geeks, but I did tech work for them. The stoners who smoked in front of the auto shop, the Bible Thumpers, the foreign language clubbers and the artistes were all my buddies. Usually, though, I just kept to myself.