I havent really been commenting on the OP
But I suppose the personality or trait that I would like the most is someone who is like Christ.
However if someone was truly Christlike they would be willing to sacrifice their life for mine and thats a big ask lol. I'm not sure anyone would do that for me seeing as Jesus already did it.
When Jesus asked Simon Peter who he was Peter knew he was the Messiah the son of the living God, as his Heavenly Father had revealed that to him, not flesh and blood. However then Jesus talked about how he was going to be suffer by the chief priests and Pharisses and killed and also rise on the third day and Peter was like NO WAY. That cant happen
This was because Peter was, like all many of us super clingy to his new friend and wanted him around as his buddy forever. But Jesus knew he was going to die, and warned all the disciples about it. He also said to Peter that he was an offense because he savoured the things of men and not the things of God.
A lot of people arent looking for someone whos death is gonna be horrible and change the world. They just want someone easy to get along with and to give them a good lifestyle.
But I think if you do meet someone whos genuinely Christ like you would not want to marry them...they are called for greater things.
Did Jesus have a lot of women wanting to marry him? Probably...but when they saw He was the Christ I think their whole world was changed.