Ok, time to say my most DARING thing, I once went on a date with a girl to a local theme park and there was this nutso, scary-looking, bunjee-jump attraction. It wasn't a ride per se...two people get strapped in a harness on a cable and get taken straight up, oh, about 500 feet. So, I said, that looks cool when we walked past this attraction, and, she, a youth group leader at her church said, 'Let's do it.'
Me: Really?
She: Sure. I take my youth group kids on all kinds of cool trips.
Me. Really. I mean, no, not really to your kid's trips, I understand that, I mean, do you REALLY want to go on this thing?
She: Yes.
Me (thinking to self): Great God. Of all the girls I could go out with, this is who! I HATE heights. When I went to Twin Towers in NY, I got nauseous looking down from the 110th floor.
She:Really. Let's do it. It will be fun (her pulling my ARM now)
Me: Ok.
Well, that gig was a real something, something, something. I Thank God that once we got 500 or so feet up.there (I felt a crow fly by me. Just kidding), I didn't give people a free stinky shower (pee my pants
) and, I admit, I was thanking God too that while we were in suspended animation with a thin cable holding us up there that she volunteered to pull the rip cord.
I will never forget that rush downward , it was my life flashing right before my eyes. But when it was over, I was thinking ,'That wasn't' so bad, let's do it again.' Funny how once the fear is MET the rest is easy.
Kind of like maybe when we do what God wants and just stomach our fear, we get thru the perilous event and realize that was a wonderful thing that just happened to me.