I can relate to that, it is not like you want or are happy that others are or have gone through the same, but it is more like that you are not alone, knowing that you are not the only one. It can give some strenght too, if you know someone else is going through those same things and maybe they have overcome them.
It is hard these days when if looking the social media, all we see is the highlighted moments, the best times, rarely we see the real life, so it makes one feel separated, different and only ones that have hardships etc.
So to the question of the thread:
Here I am feeling a bit down for not being asked to bake anything for the upcoming bake sale.. and yes, that is the only time they contact me, but usually it is the elderly ladies who run the bake sale so I do not really expect the to keep in contact with me otherwise.
Whenever I am contacted for a bake sale, I feel happy, as I love to help people and bake too.. I feel connection, unity, sort of... yes, I wish I would have more unity with people at church. But at least at those moments I am remembered.
I don't know if it is just me but nowadays it feels like there is no real unity between Christians, what I see for example: my mom having with her Christian friends. What it was when she was my age, how Christians got together more, or then it is just me being an introvert and not fitting in, like a potato in a flower field. Then again, I have heard same from others, if one is not the loudest they don't fit in even in a church.
But I think it would be different if asking for donations, like, subs etc, it seems more cold to me. I don't know why I think I would feel the difference between baking for someone or giving money. That doesn't even make sense to me. Or if the person were close to my age, then it might be not a good feeling. Well, no one contacts me anyways
But even worse is when you are asked to do coffee service for young adults and they have to cancel the whole night for some reason, and you have prepared/baked everything and gone to the grocery store and when you arrive to the place, there is only a locked door waiting for you. Phone call to them and getting "Sorry, we forgot to inform you." Yes, mistakes happen, we are human after all, and I forgave them of course. But that was ages ago, and we were young and I am no longer in contact with them. Some are no longer Christian or have left the church. Never really was that close to them to beging with.
Also have been the personal therapist for one friend. We are no longer friends, as she wasn't interested how I am doing at all. She did same things to me, what her other friend did to her, and she needed unload all her feelings to me to feel better herself..
Btw, I was almost like you in terms of making new friends.. When I still was unbeliever, and started to go to the church, I had sworn to never ever make friends, not even one! Boom, I found my best friend. Even though my first thought of her was "she is a snob" due to something she said and how she acted

We laugh about that now and I couldn't have been further away from the truth, well, at least nowadays....
Now I still wish to make new friends but it seems hard to find likeminded people as an introvert.
Again like a potato: Potato doesn't spread out like a flower does, let's say dandelions seeds fly a long way and spread, finds new grounds. But a potato stays put in one ground if there isn't something/one to help it move. Potato grows underground most parts, but maybe flowers a bit at some point.
I don't take the initiative move towards other people easily, not like a dandelion would, with its seeds flying around reaching everywhere. When a potato puts those tiny flowers and tries to reach out, it is not seen nor heard in the field of other stunning and clamorous flowers.
Oh, maybe that went a little bit out off the original topic..
I would be bummed too if I would think I am receiving a package and then it would be a request to donate something instead. Package (or even a letter saying hello) is for you.. but donation is for someone else.
"Here is a candy for y.. no, actually, will you buy it for me?"
Workplace safety intruction, guess no one really follows them anywhere.. But glad nothing serious happened to you.
Yeah, don't try that at home, how about this at work then?

Some of my co-worker do the same spiderman-thing, but then ... then another time, someone needs to lift them up with the forklift to pick some bags (55lbs/25kg), because they do not want to take the whole pallet down with the forklift to take a few of those bags and then lift the pallet back up.. I am the one who may asked to lift them up, never ever would I go up there myself on those forks. And I propably shouldn't lift them either..