You know, I need to start a thread on whole "gift of singleness" thing. It just seems so contradictory that one thing, marriage, can be a gift and the opposite of that, singleness can also be a gift. There are two things at play there. One, is that one who is single enjoys certain luxuries that married people don't. I mean, I can spend money without consulting anyone, I can sleep in on Saturdays because I don't have kids to take care of, I can pick up McDonalds after work instead of cooking dinner, I look better in a bikini then a lot of my friends who've had babies, I can leave my appartment a mess because I don't have anyone to complain about it. BUT, those aren't godly things. Those appeal to sins in me such as sloth and vanity and those aren't things from God. So, when someone says they don't mind being single, I'm like "Well, yes, of course, marriage takes work and commitment and sacrifice, there's lots to like about not being married." The other thing is that Paul said that a single woman can focus on God instead of focusing on her husband. But, one of the many thing that I'd love to ask Paul is is he implying that marriage pulls one away from God? Like, one arguement is that singlness is a gift is that one can have uninterupted time with God. But what I don't get is that Jesus said "When two or more are gathered..." Does God like it when we pray alone better? No. I mean, I get that sometimes people are called to do things for God that make marriage difficult. But... I'll get to that later. I have to go.