If you radiate confidence that is truly in your heart, that will make a world of difference, even with Christian women. If you don't possess a lot of confidence, you can achieve a greater level of it by continually interacting with both men and women on a regular basis. Watch and listen for the reactions of people based on what you and others say: Do they look happy? then continue that topic, Do they look offended? drop it, right then. Eventually, you won't have to worry about saying something inapporpriate (although we all inadvertantly say something wrong at times). Keep having conversations with friends, new and old, on a regular basis, and make sure that you have worthwhile friends, too. Do you want a woman with truly Christian values, make sure you have yeilded to God's will in your life for the values He wants you to have, otherwise you will not be appealing to a truly Godly woman. Yes, there are women at church who just go there for the sake of going, and have not really given themselves to God, but is that the type of woman that you want? God is preparing you, and has promised to give you the desires of your heart, but only He knows what things are good for you, and at what time in your life, too. I married at 27, and I now know that I would not have been ready for it when I was younger; God was right and I was wrong! The wait was worth it, but I also made the most of being single during my single years. Keep your talents going (this is extremely important, too), stay involved with Christian friends who are uplifting to you, and keep praying about it, no matter what. I will give you a blessing that someone once gave to me: May God's most abundant blessings be upon you.