You do make some good points, Baptist. Also, how many people are truly prepared for the difficulties of marriage right out of their teen years? There's a lot of growing up that takes place after that. I know that some people make it work, but many more don't make it.
As for why, only God knows why for certain, dothackzero. He has a plan for each of us, and He only lets us in on it one step at a time. I know that there are many things that leave me scratching my head, wondering "What purpose did this serve?", but eventually all of the pieces will fit together like a puzzle. It can be frustrating, especially as you watch people around you date, marry, and have families. But you have to remember that you're not the only one in this situation. And it may be that the reason why you haven't found someone yet is because you're too focused on it. It's more important to seek God first. Even Jesus tells us that in Matthew 6. Seek God first, and He will take care of you. If you're too focused on dating, then God isn't first in your life. And if God isn't first in your life, then you're just not ready.
Try not to get frustrated. I think the statistics are that 96% of people get married at least one time. And, I wouldn't be surprised if the other 4% that statistic includes people living in alternative lifestyles, priests, nuns, monks, and the occasional man-child who is still 40 and lives in his parents' basement because he refuses to grow up and get a job.

I'll be 25 in October, and I have also never been kissed. I had a boyfriend for about a month, just recently back in May (my first and only boyfriend, unless you count having a "boyfriend" when I was 10 years old - and he moved away three months later). We prayed about it, and gave it a chance, but there were no romantic feelings there and we just didn't have much in common. So, besides talking and getting to know each other and going on a few dates, I'm in the same boat as many of you.
So, besides a brief spell of dating, my love life has also been non-existant. But I've always felt like getting married and being a mother was going to be a big part of my life, and considering my situation, I prayed and asked God that if it wasn't meant to be, to remove the desire from my heart. God has, I believe, shown me that I am meant to marry, and not to give up on it. But I needed to shift focus because it was too important to me, and I now focus on Him (and I'm not perfect, but rather a work in progress), and it doesn't bother me anymore. Sure, I hope to meet the person God has for me soon, but the time that I am single God is able to use me in other ways, and I'm able to be comfortable with just being myself and having my own interests, and not worrying what anyone else thinks.
In the end, it just works out better to let our Father arrange our marriages. Besides, very few arranged marriages end in divorce.