I'd advise you all to read 'when God writes your love story' by Eric and Leslie Ludy. I haven't finished it yet but what I've read so far is BRILLIANT. It speaks of focusing on God, building your life around him instead of 'build him in'. When the time is right, when you are ready, God will send the right person for you your way. I'm very much single myself and has always been. I trust God to show me what and who is right for me. I don't want to randomly date, and all that - I'm waiting (quite impatiently at times!) for Him to show me "Mr. Right" - as cheesy as that might sound. To me it's so incredibly important to find a godly guy, a good Christian guy.. and I'm sure a lot of girls here and out there agree! We don't want a guy who has dated around like crazy. Well, at least I don't want to be one of many before. I'm keeping my heart for that One who God one day will send down my path!
Make Him no.1 and He will teach you to be that person you're meant to be and sooner or later He will show you love. Embrace being single, grow in your relationship with our Lord. There are sooo many things I want to type down here but I can't quite get it out right in English. HOWEVER, DO READ THE BOOK! It's a book for both girls and boys. Men and women, if you so prefer

No honestly, great book. Great, great book. I'm gonna stop being such a cheesy cheese now
"Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart."