I won't box quote anyone because this kind of speaks to all our inquisitive natures of the reality and rules regarding taking a literal flight to , perhaps,a fanciful relationship (fancy?). Yes, there's that fear within us that does not want to go on that flight .
Sounds like Jonah doesn't it?
Jonah did not want to go to Ninevah to preach God to them but God wanted him to go. From what I understand here, Ninevah would be the equivalent of going to a country that persecutes christians for their faith--Pakistan, Iraq, for example-- for their faith and a bible in their land wrought from YOUR hands would be punishable by extreme means, even death. But God REALLY wanted Jonah to go and would have it NO other way.
So...that said, and, IF I saw God's provision way of doing things that way then I would DO it, for the consequences of not doing it would (notice I didn't say 'could') get quite fishy, so to speak.
I won't box quotes but I will speak to quotes:
** I agree with what you're saying, Nods, by saying 'I like you,' it can develop online into something too impersonal or, just the opposite, and, can pressure other person to take that flight to see you. I liken it to 'falling in love,' I never see that as a good thing, and, liam spoke intelligence of this concept a while back on another post but forget exactly what he said. Anyway, falling in love is a forceful act, and, something Satan would LOVE for us to do. We need to FIND LOVe, through God's leading and the Holy Spirit's utterances and guidance of our hearts.The Lord leads, speak boldly but only at a time that is right from Him. You're raising a 7-year-old boy think you've said on here, I would think some guy out there would love to be a part of that situation. I would just give advice of surrendering all your preconceived notions of WHO that someone should be and let God decide. Maybe then He will let 'him' take that flight
** Yes, Iraasup, as allfunfor said, women receive 30%, or more, less in salary than men per year, I think it's because of the 'leave,' potential I've maybe heard, you know, that having-a-baby thing that takes them away from work and costs companies a lot of $$. No, I am NOT condoning companies doing that as women have a lot more smarts than guys in a lot of things and just don't even try to succeed like them because of this 'capital' discrepancy. So, the Lord leads, but I just don't have anything good to say about that wage inequality here, except that is the capitalistic labor philosophy of companies regarding salary in the USA.
** Hyla - Fear God, not man. The beginning of knowledge is the fear of God, says in Proverbs, pretty sure. And, this is not a 'scary' fear we should be of God, it is an acknowledging fear , knowing that God is real in your life and will discipline you IF you do wrong things. Do you know that in the listing of the 10 commandments, it does say that saying taking the Lord's name in vain will get the sayer 'punished.' There are a couple other of the 10 commandments with explanatory sentences of what will happen IF you fail to keep those commandments. But....not many, 1,2 others, as I remember, from Deuteronomy 5 , where 10 are listed.
** princessbelle? Money is never an issue with God, He will provide. Sure, it's often something that keeps us from pursuing relationships (especially from guys' perspectives I think a lot on here agree), but THAT is God's doing. And, I speak truth of experience on that . The Lord leads. It's important to realize that God has a time and a place for everything in life, His time and His place. His timing and His placing

I am not knocking reality either ,princessB, money is definitely a factor but, for me, me speaking here, I do not let that bother me but I pray to God to work through that If he wants. Has he ever worked through 'that' with me? No.
Yes, . I agree with that 100% , money holds us back in our human conscience, in reality, but in spirituality the only thing that should hold us back from pursuing a relationship is God, hearing Him answer your prayers with doors not opening. He will do that too, IF you are not ready. The Lord will not tempt us beyond what we are able, it says this somewhere in the bible, thessalonians, collossians, corinthians.
But, along the same lines, HEY, let's say we just take that FLIGHT of fancy and there are great RISKS as Nods says, or, FEARS, as Hyla says, or, fear of meeting an ax murderer as allfunfor says, LOL, there is also great what for going, for having a faith (that may indeed be wrong from God) that we THINK is His leading when really it's not. That is where God will make things good out of what could be bad. That is paraphrased scripture too.
This is one of my favorite verses , Hebrews 13:5 'He will never leave you nor forsake you.' So, if you go meet someone and it's on your wanton desire and not God's, that's OK, as long as you go with the right HEART. And, who knows, maybe God can then sincerely SEE just how much you want to be in a relationship and though that trip may not work out there will be something after that PERFECT for you.
God bless !