I don't know, everyone...I've heard anyone who owns a Kindle is actually one of the truly awesome people in the world. There's Kindle owners, then there's the rest of the downtrodden masses.... Just showing that you have a Kindle elevates you to a level of intelligence in the minds of the public that is unfathomable to a pre-Kindleian mind.
There's people who read A book that they might have with them, then there's the truly intelligent ones who have a Kindle with 600+ books on it.
There are those who need to physically go to a dark alley somewhere in a seedy part of town to buy books from some shifty-eyed gang member, hoping they aren't arrested just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, then there are the bright, shining, inventive and forward-thinking leaders of tomorrow who are able to acquire new literature for their Kindles without getting up off of the sofa...
The greatest people in history have one thing in common: They all were Kindle owners. Einstein, Da Vinci, Galileo, Pascal, Tesla, Paul, Peter, James, John, and Abraham are just some of the names that can be found among the list of Kindle owners.
Descyple, I think you should immediately send Chrissy a Kindle. It would be the right thing to do.