Where do I start? One of my standout moments was my first year of university. I was 17 and had signed up for a history course that was recommended by the professor. The morning of the first class I realized I'd signed up for a fourth year class full of 21 yr olds. I tried to sneak in the back and slip into one of those chairs, the ones that had the desk part attached. Just as my first leg was in I suddenly sneezed. My sneeze, much to my embarrassment, has a rather high squeak. Well the sneeze had me lurching sideways, knocking over the desk, myself and two other desks beside me. Yes. The story made the rounds and for the rest of the year, if I sneezed there tended to be someone who would pretend to fall over. I am wincing even now. OK, it was funny as all get out, and my sneeze is still the same. I tend to think of my life as a cautionary tale against having any sort of ego, lol.
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