My Dad has instilled in me the idea that you do what it takes to take of yourself and your family. Regardless, and never be ashamed of your job. If you work hard, honor God, and love your family you should not be afraid of such a challenge. (Doesn't mean I wouldn't continue looking for a better opportunity, but I wouldn't resent my job. In such a situation I'd be thankful to have income. (No option in the poll for this? Tsk tsk.)
On another angle at this, you have no business having a wife and family if you don't plan on hard times coming. This is serious. It's no easy task, life's not fair all the time.... It would hurt me terribly to give the impression to my wife that she isn't worth doing what it takes to provide. To rescind on the marriage vows made to God? Noooo way. I wouldn't give it a second thought.